1/6th TRUE-TYPE FIGURE - Bronze by Hot Toys

Thanks to AFBro for helping me score this '1/6th TRUE-TYPE FIGURE - Bronze' by Hot Toys at S$29.
The Hot Toys 1/6th TRUE-TYPE Figures come with a nude body with 38 points of articulation, a remarkably realistic headsculpt, a pair of bendable hands, two neck styles and a figure display stand. The heasdsculpts of Hot Toys figures are usually modelled after real people, e.g. Brad Pitt as 'USMC Sniper Operation Iraqi Freedom', Keanu Reeve as 'S.W.A.T. 3.0'). I already have a Hot Toys boxset, 'GIGN Team Assault Leader' with a Jean Reno headsculpt.
Click here to learn more about the Hot Toys TRUE-TYPE Figures from 12-inch Bro.

Even though I have claimed that I am streamlining my collection to just Revoltechs. I do have a couple of 1/6th Action Figures such as 'COBRA GEK' from Medicom Toys. I have always loved the Hot Toys headsculpts as they are really good for photography. So whose face is this '1/6th TRUE-TYPE FIGURE - Bronze' modelled after?


1/6th TRUE-TYPE FIGURE - Bronze
by Hot Toys

The 1/6th figure comes in a tall blister pack that towers over the small 6-inch SOTA Guile. The yellow and red insert cries out the '38' points of articulation, while the contents are fully exposed for your scrutiny and selection.

The Hot Toys TRUE-TYPE Figure is definitely better than the conventional artist's model. With the bendable finger, the creativity is endlessly 'vulgar'!

The brilliant headscuplt cries for portrait shots.
So who is he?
I hope you agree with me that he is none other than....
David Beckham



Shaun said…
oops comments meant for the post on top, sorry. Eh the photos while damn cool may make some gheys really happy.