A follow-up to earlier post "Guess Who??", my 12-inch pro bro and 1/6th pro bro got rather excited about that picture. I promised that it will be a surprise for both pro bros. So I hope that I can do so with this series of pictures. After posting pictures of the S.W.A.T. (1/6th Dragon), there has been much speculations over my venture into the world of 1/6th. Indeed I had! Thanks to Nexus, aka 1/6th pro bro, I made my first move into 1/6th. However, I just had to revisit CSC during a short 1-hour break to score myself this figure for S$40, before it is sold, like the GSG-9 from the same MEDICOM MSFS (Medicom Special Forces Series).
Before we embark on our first 1/6th tour headed by 12-inch pro bro, let me confess my new stream of toys, military 1/6th figures. I also present to you the preliminary shoot (yes! there will be more!) of the character whom I call, "Watermelon Head", COBRA GEK (Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando, Gendarmerieeinsatzkommand) from the MSFS by MEDICOM Toys.

EKO (Einsatz Kommando) COBRA, formerly known as GEK (Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando) is the Counter-Terrorist Special Forces of Austria, formed officially in 1978 to protect the Jewish who took an en route through Austria to Israel, against opposing militant groups. The COBRA is best known for is 'rope-skills' where they are internationally respected for, there is nothing the COBRA cannot climb. Apart from Counter-Terrorism, the COBRA also participate in the local S.W.A.T. activities. Interesting, the codename 'COBRA' was influenced by the movie 'Mission Impossible' (starring Tom Cruise) and became official in 2002 alongside the renaming of GEK to EKO COBRA.
Active: 1972 -
Country: Austria
Branch: Austrian Federal Police
Type: Special Forces
Role: Domestic Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism
Size: 200 operatives
Garrison/HQ: Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Nickname: Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando: GEK
Einsatzkommando Cobra: EKO

The regular MEDICOM MSFS box.
Box contents includes: 
Supplementary booklet with comic strip on COBRA (in Japanese), promo leaflet and post card.

Glock 17 with magazine with rounds. The round is painted with realistic metallic colours.

Steyr Aug rifle with clear magazine and laser sight. Sadly, the laser sight was not a perfect fit as sight appears pointing slightly downwards instead of forwards. MP5SD with magazine rack and long zoom scope. The butt is retractable, but sticks out from the sides when in compact mode. I worry the elastic rifle sling that will slack over time.

Shield with light mounted. No light emits from the shield of course! But the original one piece equipment became two, the handle came off! Apparantly, it was glued on, and I just have to get a tube of super glue handy.

The bluish Protective vest is in fact violet to the eyes. The camera is never good at capturing true violet. The vest is a three piece suit comprised of a groin guard padding attached to the front, the front and back (both with Gendarmerie printed on a decolorised label) The suit has plenty of black patches intended for pouches to be attached via Velcro.The nickname which I gave the COBRA 1/6th figure, Watermelon Head, came about from the TITAN helmet reproduced in the most amazing colour tone, it should have been deeper green camouflage.
The Poses
To get me hooked on a toy and to be adored as a photograhy subject, it must first articulate and pose for me!

Equipped with Steyr Aug Rifle

Equipped with Glock 17 and Shield

Equipped with MP5SD

Analysis of the Nude 1/6th MEDICOM Body
12-inch pro bro has warned me of the possible cracked hip joint. I decided to analyze the nude body to get a better understanding of the articulation and so that to pose the figure better!

The feet can be flipped from 90 degrees to 'ballet'. The height of the figure can also be adjusted via the removal of the ring between the lower limb and feet. The knee is rather realistic as it does not rotate, unlike the other joints, this is not detacheable. The back of the thigh is hollow, which I believe to reduce the weight of the body. The butt does look weird.

The groin is made such that the thighs can rotate horizontally about the groin, while the left and right side of the groin can vertically. The shoulder joint is more complicated to give a more swing angle. Like the knee joint, the elbow is not detacheable. However, the upper arm is detacheable from the shoulder to make wearing of clothes easier. The hands or gloves are mounted on a ball-joint stem which is then inserted into the forearm.

The nude figure without the hindrance of the clothes, can sure take on uber realistic poses such as the one above, which Shaun Wong would love. He might even find it familiar to his beach wrestling shots. All 1/6th scale nude figures will bear the brand somewhere on the body. For this MEDICOM, it is found behind the lower limb.
The Assembly of COBRA
What assembly does it have? I meant putting on its COBRA outfit. I am recalling how I mishandled my childhood playmates' Barbie dolls. Yes! I was 'lucky' to be playing with girls before I even learnt of carnal pleasures.

Due to the tight cuff of the pants, I need to put on the socks and boxers.

The one piece overall suit comes with a few pockets, rubber pistol holster attached to a rubber belt. I slipped on the clothes with feet first, then attached the arms through the sleeves. A zipper runs from groin up to the neck. With the black overall and balaclava, he now looks like a terrorist! The microphone and earpiece goes under the balaclava and the extension is can later be attached to the walkie-talkie.

The figure looks cool eve without the watermelon.... I meant TITAN helmet!
The Final Assembly
Toys Sixth 1/6th Medicom Toy MSFS COBRA Special+Forces Steyr+Aug MP5SD Glock+17
Before we embark on our first 1/6th tour headed by 12-inch pro bro, let me confess my new stream of toys, military 1/6th figures. I also present to you the preliminary shoot (yes! there will be more!) of the character whom I call, "Watermelon Head", COBRA GEK (Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando, Gendarmerieeinsatzkommand) from the MSFS by MEDICOM Toys.
EKO (EinsatzKommand) / GEK (Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando)
Austrian Counter-Terrorist Special Forces
1/6th Scale Action Figure
EKO (EinsatzKommand) / GEK (Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando)
Austrian Counter-Terrorist Special Forces
1/6th Scale Action Figure

Active: 1972 -
Country: Austria
Branch: Austrian Federal Police
Type: Special Forces
Role: Domestic Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism
Size: 200 operatives
Garrison/HQ: Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Nickname: Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando: GEK
Einsatzkommando Cobra: EKO

Box contents includes:
Glove (extra hand), Assault Boots, Belt, Magazine Porch (Pouch), Holster, Hand Gun G17 (Glock 17, 17.9mm), G17 Magazine x2, Aug-Rifle (Steyr Aug mil.StG77 - Armee Universal Gewehr), Steyr Aug Magazine x2, Laser Sight, Submachine Gun MP-5 (MP5SD), Zoom Scope Sight, Long Suppressor, Telescopic Stock, Walkie-Talkie, Earpiece w/ Microphone, Light Mounted Shield, Balacava, Assault Suit with insignia, Body Armor, Socks, Trunks.

Supplementary booklet with comic strip on COBRA (in Japanese), promo leaflet and post card.

Glock 17 with magazine with rounds. The round is painted with realistic metallic colours.

Shield with light mounted. No light emits from the shield of course! But the original one piece equipment became two, the handle came off! Apparantly, it was glued on, and I just have to get a tube of super glue handy.

The bluish Protective vest is in fact violet to the eyes. The camera is never good at capturing true violet. The vest is a three piece suit comprised of a groin guard padding attached to the front, the front and back (both with Gendarmerie printed on a decolorised label) The suit has plenty of black patches intended for pouches to be attached via Velcro.
The Poses
To get me hooked on a toy and to be adored as a photograhy subject, it must first articulate and pose for me!

Equipped with Steyr Aug Rifle

Equipped with Glock 17 and Shield

Equipped with MP5SD

Analysis of the Nude 1/6th MEDICOM Body
12-inch pro bro has warned me of the possible cracked hip joint. I decided to analyze the nude body to get a better understanding of the articulation and so that to pose the figure better!

The feet can be flipped from 90 degrees to 'ballet'. The height of the figure can also be adjusted via the removal of the ring between the lower limb and feet. The knee is rather realistic as it does not rotate, unlike the other joints, this is not detacheable. The back of the thigh is hollow, which I believe to reduce the weight of the body. The butt does look weird.

The groin is made such that the thighs can rotate horizontally about the groin, while the left and right side of the groin can vertically. The shoulder joint is more complicated to give a more swing angle. Like the knee joint, the elbow is not detacheable. However, the upper arm is detacheable from the shoulder to make wearing of clothes easier. The hands or gloves are mounted on a ball-joint stem which is then inserted into the forearm.

The nude figure without the hindrance of the clothes, can sure take on uber realistic poses such as the one above, which Shaun Wong would love. He might even find it familiar to his beach wrestling shots. All 1/6th scale nude figures will bear the brand somewhere on the body. For this MEDICOM, it is found behind the lower limb.
The Assembly of COBRA
What assembly does it have? I meant putting on its COBRA outfit. I am recalling how I mishandled my childhood playmates' Barbie dolls. Yes! I was 'lucky' to be playing with girls before I even learnt of carnal pleasures.

The one piece overall suit comes with a few pockets, rubber pistol holster attached to a rubber belt. I slipped on the clothes with feet first, then attached the arms through the sleeves. A zipper runs from groin up to the neck. With the black overall and balaclava, he now looks like a terrorist! The microphone and earpiece goes under the balaclava and the extension is can later be attached to the walkie-talkie.

The figure looks cool eve without the watermelon.... I meant TITAN helmet!
The Final Assembly

Toys Sixth 1/6th Medicom Toy MSFS COBRA Special+Forces Steyr+Aug MP5SD Glock+17
the cobra looks cool too...the hair sculpt reminds me of my dad,lol
Yes it does!
Water-Melon head quite cool lah.
Im sure GSG-9 too! But too bad, missed it!
Nevermind Darth Vadarish head coming soon!
Nevermind Darth Vadarish head coming soon!
ah, that is music to my ears! I am looking forward to join pro bro for his GIGN operator hunt this evening.
YOU ARE THE COOLEST PRO BRO! your 12 Inch Bro (Me) and 1:6 Bro (Arthur) are fcuking happy for you. The world welcomes your 12" pix.
I dun wanna b 1/6 Bro :(
ROFL. Watermelon head is right.
Sometimes, you can even call it "死鬼头" (si3 gui3 tou2 in hokkien).
Isn't that the coolest name?