Look what I have bought!

I dropped by River Island at Raffles City yesterday. River Island was still having sale, with cool-looking jeans or a funky shirt going as low as S$30 and groovy shades as low as S$15! I would love to get myself some more new clothes, but I have bought enough clothes lately. I was tempted to get another belt though I had just bought one from S&K. But when I saw some mean looking belts going at ridiculous prices, I could not resist the urge to get another one.

This belt is marked down twice! From S$59 to S$35, and I finally scored it a S$20!

The solid metal buckle bears the symbol of a Pirate's Skull! Like that on the pirate's flag.
I could have called it 'Pirate's Belt', but I decided to call this 'Skullomania'. It ain't an original name. Can you guess its origin?
Made in China. Does that suggest that the cow that gave this hide, came from PRC? I turned down the consideration of a dark brown plain strap belt with a cool-looking matt-finished winged skull, and settled for Skullomania. The reason being that I still have a dark brown unprocessed-leather belt from ECKO, which I scored for AUD$10, many years back when I was studying in Melbourne. Other than that, I find that I should have a black-coloured belt and I have always wanted a studded belt. Furthermore, the buckle kind of bring me closer to being a fan of the Pirates of the Carribean.
Call me names, but heck! I love my new belt!

Interestingly, when we were there, we bumped into the famous TVB actress, Nancy Sit (薛家燕) and her husband. If you cannot remember her, she is the famous 'Aunt Hao' in the thousand-episodes drama, 'Kindred Spirit'. Kenix Kwok happened to have a role in it as well!

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Laurens said…
u sure u wear this kinda belt anot?