PUJ Baby Support Chair
Babies love sitting upright and it is adorable to see your baby sit upright despite that they can't really yet. I have heard that foam chairs for babies are really great and give good support to their back. I tried the Bumbo support baby chair meant for infant to toddler at Mothercare which cost $90 over. The chair was a little too tight for my 4 month old baby. I knew no way it can fit a toddler. I was surprised since it was meant for caucasian kids.
I looked up PUJ from South Korea. PUJ had a similar chair like the Bumbo. The chair costs S$39 and optional table tray costs an additional $10. With EMS air-shipping at $10, the chair arrived within days from ordering. You can add on an additional stylish carrier bag for $15. That is way too cheap!
The chair has 3 holes for ventilation and to prevent the baby bum from getting sucked by vacuum. The Bumbo comes with a seat harness but not the PUJ.

My 4-month old prince can now sit like a king in his throne.
The baby can sit comfortably and securely yet with some space.
There are four chair colors: Lime, Baby Blue, Pink and Yellow.
There are two table tray colors: Yellow and Pink.
Pick and choose your baby throne today!