Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Hands-on Review - Part IV - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Photography Performance

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
Hands-on Review - Part IV
Galaxy Tab 10.1 Photogaphy Performance
After going through the unboxing in Part I, video review in Part II, and comparison of Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs iPad 2 in Part III. Now we look at how the 3MP camera perform for the Galaxy Tab 10.1.

The photos below are unedited.
Click on photos to enlarge and view in Lightbox format.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 does a brilliant job outdoors in decent light.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 does a good job indoors with most images turning out sharp and clear.

Evening comes and the camera still handles quite well with a little more noise.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 can still capture a steady image outdoors at night
The pictures look fine if shared on the internet with acceptable viewing dimensions.
However, on close up, the pictures are smudgy, grainy and noisy.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple's buddha statues are always perfect for testing out performance in low light conditions with spotlights.
The close-up images tell it all.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 allows you to take close up pictures without needing to switch to Macro mode.

A quick toy photo shoot makes quick sharing easy.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 camera comes with a Sweep Panorama feature which allows you to capture beautiful panorama shots in one sweeping motion.
The camera will automatically find the subsequent frames, capture and stitch them in a matter of less than 3 seconds.
Each panorama sweep allows a maximum of 8 shots to be captured, hence it is not possible to do a 360-degree shot.

We are neglecting the 2MP front camera.
There is no AF and captures usable snapshots when necessary.

The 3MP rear camera does an excellent job if you do not have a much better camera phone or a proper camera. It captures sharp and clear pictures for your 4R print outs. For those who just want to share on the social media, the pictures from both day and low light shots are good enough to show off your mobile photography skills. The sweep panorama is a nice feature added to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 camera, which allows you to capture breathtaking scenery while you are on tour. The tablet makes an excellent tool to sneak a snapshot where cameras are not allowed. After capturing all your shots, you can easily transfer them to your computer, edit with 3rd-party apps, share on Facebook or upload onto your blog/website. All these are easily done with Galaxy Tab 10.1's Android Honeycomb OS.

Why should you get it?
Be it work or travel, when you are not able to bring a camera around, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 will save the day. It serves as a tool for your mobile computing and a camera to capture decent pictures.

Coming up next: Why an iPad 2 camera can never match that of Galaxy Tab 10.1?

Photography by William
Shot on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

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