From London Heathrow to Belfast Ireland

I am currently in Belfast, Northern Ireland for work.
To get to Belfast, I would first need to fly a long haul to London Heathrow.
I arrived in Heathrow at 5 a.m. (London time; 12nn SG time),
transit for 4 hours and then catch another flight to Belfast at 9 a.m. (London time; 4 p.m. SG time).

At Heathrow Airport transit area

Essentials from WHSmith.

Catching the transit flight. I had the luxury of the whole row which was unoccupied on board Aer Lingus. The short 1h flight was definitely more enjoyable than my recent Jakarta visit.

Above London and Ireland.

Arrival at Belfast International Airport. I believe the Belfast International Airport is not as big as the George Best Belfast City Airport. There was really nothing much to do at the airport. Hence , I just grabbed a taxi and head to my hotel in the city center. The ride to the city was a beautiful view of the country side and farms.

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Photography by William Tan
Copyrights Reserved 2010
