REVOLTECH No.009 EVA-03 Production Model [REHASHED]

With the new EVANGELION: 1.0 Movie,
it sure is worth it to rehash this earlier gallery of REVOLTECH No.009 EVA-03 Production Model.

Production Model
2nd August 2007
Equipment: Canon IXUS40
Photography and Editing by William Tan

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Built in the United States by NERV Second Branch in Massachusetts, USA, Evangelion Unit 03 is one of two Units built with the Second Production Model design. It is the sister Unit of Unit 04. The United States' government insisted on having the rights to build Unit 03 and Unit 04. A few minor changes were made between the first and second Production Models. Unit 03's color was unique, with much darker plates than any other Eva. The head was oddly shaped, too, with a rounded top and exaggerated chin. The pilot assigned to it was Toji Suzuhara, but in transit to Japan, it was possessed by the thirteenth Angel, Bardiel, which appeared as a cloud. As Bardiel, it was savagely torn apart by Unit 01, after the control of Unit 01 was switched from Shinji to the Dummy Plug system, designed to simulate Rei Ayanami as the pilot. Toji, the pilot, is severely injured in the anime, but in the manga he actually dies.
(Story extracted from Wikipedia)

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