CATS: Sharp, Sharp and a Scratch,Scratch

Sharp eyes
Bells really got her big sharp eyes on me while I had my small sharp eyes in hers!


Sharp eyes
Bells love staring into space, as if longing for someone or something.

and a "scratch, scratch"
Scatchy scratch scratch
"scratch, scratch, jingle, jingle Bells"

Bells can be a lovely feline, but she be rather hostile as well. While I was stroking her, she surprised me by grabbing my hand with both clawed paws and started gnawing it.
She seemed to be enjoying it, so I let my hand be her toy despite suffering multiple superficial wounds.

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Anonymous said…
from her collar, it looks like she belongs to someone.

That's a nice shot with you reflected in her eyes ..... sounds romantic :D
edna said...
from her collar, it looks like she belongs to someone.

That's a nice shot with you reflected in her eyes ..... sounds romantic :D

hey edna,
according to my reliable sources with a few tingling of my whiskers,
I found out that Bells is not domesticated but a stray as well. Well, she used to until her owner decided to let her dwell in the streets.

thanks for the compliments. I was rather small in the picture though.