Resolving Error Message "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://... Operation aborted"

For developers:
If you and your visitors have been encoutering a problem of getting a pop-up error message "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://...... Operation aborted", in your website/blog when using Internet Explorer (IE), you probably have a script programming error in you html instead of blaming it on the server.
Note that even though this issue affects IE and if you may be running the mighty Firefox or Safari browsers, your visitors might not and are using IE. These IE visitors will experience the error. Hence, it is wise to resolve this issue.
I ran a Google Search and found a few causes and solutions.

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One of the problem is the presence of javascript inside the <"body"> of your main HTML code. So I removed my javascript widgets one at a time to position map the error javascript, but it seems does not resolve the issue. I then checked my main HTML template, I eyeballed a javascript code: "< src="'" type="'text/javascript'/">" belonging to mybloglog tracker to be in the <"body">, while there are no issues with the javascript widgets. I then moved the mybloglog javascript code to after <"/body">.
I saved and reloaded all the javascript widgets, and tested to verify that my problem has been resolved.
Try and see if it works for you!

Please help me by reporting any errors in my blog, except for the nasty pop-up which is blocked by IE7.0. That pop-up is inherent due to having the "Rant-N-Rave Channel" chatbox.


Shaun said…
thanks for pointing out, I've checked and changed as advised. Let me know if it works on your browser please. Still taking long to load on my IE
Shaun said...
thanks for pointing out, I've checked and changed as advised. Let me know if it works on your browser please. Still taking long to load on my IE

still have that for the first load, its fine after refreshing.