Instead of spending money on ready-to-give gifts, which probably half the world owns, I decided to make one for my beloved Fio. Fio had earlier on looked high-and-low for a back support cushion for her office chair. She claimed that everyone seemed to have the famous talking mouse or the blue robot cat. She wanted something different. She did find a decent one that is rather different, but I dare not claim unique. When we came to meet a few freelance DIY artists, who makes hand-stitched soft toys, I immediately had the inspiration to craft one for Fio to use as a back support cushion. So I had to make it 'BIG', say 1m!

The Birth of "NEKO-NEKO"
From zero, using 3 different fleece materials, I cut out the shapes based on design template. Every single seam is hand stitched with double yarn thread. The eyes and whiskers were hand stitched as well. I had left a lobang (gap) at the bottom, its only purpose is so that I can shaft my hands in.

Giving "NEKO-NEKO"its life!
Shaft my hand in for what? Of course, it is to stuff the 'skin' up with filling. What better material than to use Hobby Fill? Styrofoam beanies were rules out due to its weight and they tend to slide out of shape inside the body.

"NEKO-NEKO" poses on the couch.
After giving "NEKO-NEKO" a pat on the back to even out all the lumps and bumps, "NEKO NEKO" looks more huggable. It immediately decided to slouch on my couch to pose for some photos.

For you, my love!

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Anonymous said…
that's so sweet....
Laurens said…

did i see a camel toe? lol
Shaun said…
for the record, you are now known as 'sewbro'!
now im shy....
neoconvoy said…
never consider using buttons for eyes ?

is there any technique to sewing ?
neoconvoy said...
never consider using buttons for eyes ?

considered but decided to use the felt paper instead, because I wanted to give it the 'cheap rag-doll' look.

... is there any technique to sewing ?

no particular technique. me not pro tailor leh...