Gifts from Taiwan

Cedric, my colleague, came back from a seminar from Taiwan and he brought back these gifts. All of them are actually the same thing but in various forms. They are Taiwanese pineapple cakes, which is like our local pineapple tarts, except that the filling is encapsulated within the crust. I opened up two of the types which I had duplicate, to try, while keeping the rest to share with Fio.

I only got one of this, so I did not open this up to try.

The crust is typical of the local pineapple tart. It is not the salty type. The crust is also very soft; just look at all the crumps! Upon sinking my teeth into the core, I can immediately tell the difference between the local pineapple tarts and these Taiwanese pineapple cakes. The pineapple filling in this cake is not over-poweringly sweet and is rather chewy. Instead of the regular fibrous texture, this has got a smooth texture.

Though this has got the same taste and texture as the earlier, it does have a different shape.

Cedric also had this wristband custom-made for me. The strings at the end can be adjusted to fit and it fitted me nicely! Most importantly, they look good on me!

Thanks for gifts, buddy! Love 'em
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Laurens said…
bo 'sunshine' biscuit?

ur bracelet looks crumpler-ish :)
simi ish sunshine biscuit?
i might be gng taiwan later this year leh.
got wat to buy?