Yesterday, I visited EastGear to get some 3rd party batteries for my D200 and IXUS 40 (from Camera Devices). The EN-EL3e were tested by many users and reviewed to be decent. Futhermore, EastGear offers a 6 months warranty on all batteries, should they do not perform up to standard. I decided to get one to try and bought an NB4L for my IXUS 40 since my 3rd party battery for IXUS 40 is crap now.
I later went to S&K at Bugis Junction to buy myself a cool pair of jeans at S$39. I always liked their jeans with low-rise, slim in the middle and straight at the ends. This is my second pair of S&K jeans. Long live F4!
So during my little shopping trip, what did I have for dinner?
I later went to S&K at Bugis Junction to buy myself a cool pair of jeans at S$39. I always liked their jeans with low-rise, slim in the middle and straight at the ends. This is my second pair of S&K jeans. Long live F4!
So during my little shopping trip, what did I have for dinner?
I had the famous Belgian Chocolate Waffle at S$2.50 each. I am not a chocolate lover, but I do know what is good chocolate. The chocolate is not disgustingly sweet. The mild sweet and spice taste is probably the Belgian style, I guess. The waffle is too plain though. But been there, done that, finally. Despite my earlier bout of bowel disturbance, I had the Chilli Noodle again, for proper meal.