Photography: A Date With The Avian

A Date With The Avian
Jurong Bird Park
11th of November 2006
Photography by mybearbrick
Camera: Canon Ixus 40

A visit to Jurong Bird Park, Singapore after more than 10 years, brought back memories when I was still a kid. Thanks to Tay Kok Heng's invite to his company, Dupont, Family Day. This photography enthusiast was keen to show me his Fuji FinePix S6500fd prosumer, while we enjoy a day of phototaking. Here are some of the shots taken by myself.
Where the talking birds congregate. Parrots have always been the main attraction of the bird park. I never seem to be able to get them to talk. I think they do know that it pays to speak.

This breed are usually pearl white, but this particular avian has got a pink tint to its coat.

I believe they are cranes. I wonder what one particular crane was doing? It seem like it was trying to fish, but never seem to catch any from the helpless mass.
(Correct me if I am wrong)

The arena of the hawks and eagle. These predatorial soaring avians gather at their individual chambers awaiting to be summoned into the arena for a grand display of their training.
The bald eagle (one with white head) is the all so familiar American icon.

I was fascinated by the Pelican's actions, dunking their heads into the water and scooping water out of their flexible lower beak. I could not resist taking more shots here.

The only 'man-made' waterfall in Singapore can be found in this huge enclosed facility. In here, you get up close and personal (too personal sometimes) with the birds.

This particular friendlly dude likes to get too personal, climbing onto visitors' back and refusing to let go. It was never camera shy and rather cheeky to even flirt with a Korean tourist. It sure knows how to 'hook-up' pretty girls and not let go.

The flamingo pond.

The wild ducks, the game birds, I call them.

Step into the real world of the 'Happy Feet'.

Special Thanks to Tay Kok Heng.

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