Upcoming releases...

Some updates on upcoming Gunpla releases.
Fans, take your pick!

MG Gyan
looks great!
But sadly, I am not a fanatic for medieval-MS cross-over.

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NG 1/100 Infinite Justice
Definitely a must get for me!!!
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NG 1/100 Legend Gundam
If you like Providence, you will like Legend. If you have Providence, then you shouldn't get a Legend.
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SD Destiny Gundam
Right after the SD version of Strike Freedom is released, Destiny Gundam is in line.
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HG 1/144 Strike Noerl
Am I gonna go into Seed Stargazer series? We shall see... Price is similar to that of Seed Destiny kits.
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Laurens said…
Not strike noir meh?
Or strike nuah.....haha