Dophin KF-350

I must emphasize that the name is Dophin and not Dolphin.
So try not to relate the fish pump filter to the marine fish.
I just bought this pump from the infamous 'Ah Beng' fish shop at Serangoon North.
It just cost me only S$7.50.

Dophin KF-350 Internal Filter
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Like a model kit, it requires some kind of assembly.
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The switch that is intended to regulate the flow. Apparantly it makes no difference.
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Click on images below to download the video on the power of pump
or click this link to download:
Feel the power
you can even see on of my goldie being blown away by the current. How are my goldies gonna rest at night?? I'll have to monitor that.
Feel the power
Feel the power


Laurens said…
Mine is Dolphin leh...hahaha.
R u thinking wat im thinking,B2?
Laurens said…
btw...ur vid link not cum ysi become liddat