Special Tribute to Desmond Production

The past 2 weeks were indeed very hectic, especially with work and studies piling up. My o' friend, Desmond, sacrificed much of his rest time and managed get his kits built up.

I am indeed very honored to get invited over to his place to grace the glory of his recent additions to his display. The recent kits built up are the:
HG Lunamaria Hawke Gunner Zaku Warrior
HG Slash Zaku Phantom (Yzak's Custom)*
HG Gouf Ignited (Yzak's Custom)*
HG Blaze Zaku Phantom (Heine Westenfluss Custom)*
* note that these customs are not present in HG.

Let me entrall you with his great work.

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Laurens said…
Aiya,get desmond to pen a blog or smthng lah