A Test of Colors

we conduct tests on two alternatives to hobby paints for model kits.

1. PYLOX Metallic Blue - S$4.00
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2. RJ Chemical Chrome - S$6.50
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We are going to find an answer to the myth related to the feasibility of industrial paints on kits.

TEST SUBJECT: Spare trees
Spray distance about 20cm (below recommended distance of 30cm)

Chrome over a dark blue tree.
Look at the shine under flash.
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Chrome over violet and gray tree without prime.
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Metallic blue over grey tree. Despite result wasn't clear in picture, by visual observation, the tree sparkles under lighting.
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Both sprays are effective and does not melt the tree. The product is also relatively scratch resistant. The spray although is wide-angled, but the pigments in spray is definitely sufficient to paint the parts in one coat.

What do you think?
You decide.


Laurens said…
the metallic blue looks kinda dull leh. more pix pls