after much waiting,
the Akatsuki Shiranui has arrived and I managed to grab 3 pieces.
One for myself, one for Nexus and another for Des.
Nexus also ordered a Triple Dom and I get the privilege to do some 'checkin' on his behalf.
HG 1/144 Akatsuki Shiranui
The Akatsuki comes shrink-wrapped.
The box art is amazing.
Details of the Akatsuki Shiranui.
The rear.
Lookin' forward to Akatsuki with the Owashii backpack!
HG Triple Dom
Box art features the Jet Stream Attack.
Check out the size of that box. A different dimension to comprise 3 Doms within.
Isometric box shot.
The Jet Stream Attack is the featured 'gimmick' of this box set.
Inspection of contents. Fun.
The clear tree with stand and etc.
Check out the cannon effects.
Otaku meets Otaku.
Nothing beats a contented thumbs up from another Otaku.
Censored to protect the identity of Otaku.
after much waiting,
the Akatsuki Shiranui has arrived and I managed to grab 3 pieces.
One for myself, one for Nexus and another for Des.
Nexus also ordered a Triple Dom and I get the privilege to do some 'checkin' on his behalf.
HG 1/144 Akatsuki Shiranui
The Akatsuki comes shrink-wrapped.
The box art is amazing.
Details of the Akatsuki Shiranui.
The rear.
Lookin' forward to Akatsuki with the Owashii backpack!
HG Triple Dom
Box art features the Jet Stream Attack.
Check out the size of that box. A different dimension to comprise 3 Doms within.
Isometric box shot.
The Jet Stream Attack is the featured 'gimmick' of this box set.
Inspection of contents. Fun.
The clear tree with stand and etc.
Check out the cannon effects.
Otaku meets Otaku.
Nothing beats a contented thumbs up from another Otaku.
Censored to protect the identity of Otaku.