First day at Comex 2005

It is the Comex 2005, probably the last it fair for this year.
This time it is at Suntec Convention Centre again.
As usual, it crowded with people.
I shall skip the blabberish over the description of the event and go straight to my topic.
Of course, it will be interesting to know what are my plans this time round.
1. Get an ISP.
2. Subscribe HWM.

Getting an ISP
I have been scouting for an ISP with good premiums.
Of course, the only 2 ISPs that will be considered is either Starhub Max-Online 2000 (MOL2000) or Singet Broadband (SNBB) 512K or 1500K.
The breakdown is as shown (all are 24moths contract):

SNBB (512k)@($47/mth)
+free 3mth sub (worth $141)
+free ADSL modem (worth nothing but necessary)
+$42 registration waiver
+$40 Takashimaya voucher
+lucky draw
= $981
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SNBB (1500k)@($58/mth)
+free 3mth sub (worth $174)
+Thomson speedtouch585 ADSL2+ or 2Wire 2700HG Wireless Integrated modem(worth about S$100-150 and something I need)
+$42 registration waiver
+$40 Takashimaya voucher
+lucky draw
= $1218
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MOL2000 (2000K)@($58.80/mth)
+Linksys WRT45G Wireless Router w 4 ports (router only worth $90 at Comex or retail)
+Panasonic DVD player (worth about S$150)
+Waiver registration/upgrade

MOL2000 is the plan that I am intending to take over from my brother. This has been my ISP plan. However, after considering my requirements, I don't really need anything. So the premiums that will tempt me is a wireless router/modem or a portable HDD. I had already missed the previous Singnet free ranger portable HDD deal. So the only premium is a wireless router/modem. Hence, either a SNBB1500 or extend my MOL2000. Looking at the price, MOL2000 is a tad more expensive by $193.20.
Since both plans are similar in bandwidth, have wireless solution as premium, the only thing is that MOL2000 got a Panasonic DVD Player. Thus the $193.20 difference is to offset for the DVD Player already. Well, I don't need an additional DVD Player, plus I am getting a free one today (See later section).

SNBB1500 seems to be leading the way, as I have already given up on MOL. I like my ISP to be cheap since my usage is only late evenings and weekends, furthermore, I don't do heavy downloadings. So the cheaper ISP plan, the better. Well, look at SNBB512 and SNBB1500, the difference is about 1000k of bandwidth (which I think I can do without), no wireless modem for SNBB512, $237 in total spent for 24months.
A kind sales rep from Singnet advised me as what I had in mind, which is that since I don't require that much bandwidth, I should save the $237. After which I can buy any wireless G router w ports to add-on to the Siemes ADSL modem, and that should just cost me about $100. Thus I will pay less overall and get what I want.

Hence, I settled for SNBB512, which shall be activated on 19th of October 2005!! Which gives me ample time to terminate my MOL2000 and after my trip, so as not overlap. The sales girl was shocked. Apparantly, I had a nice chat with her, since she attended to me while I was getting a mobile phone early this year.

The Siemens miniature ADSL modem
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The Specs
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Subsribe to HWM
This only came about when I chanced upon their ad.
I had always been buying the Hardware Magazine (HWM) monthly at S$6.90 ea.
Since this plan offers:
Subsribe HWM (24mth)=$118
+free HWM 9-in-1 tool
+free 25 DVD-R discs
+free HWM Sports Bag
+free Ichihan DVD-27 player
+free 123 of digital imaging cd
+free Soundbuzz voucher for 2 mp3 songs

What they gave

What I got
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For 24months, buying the HWM off the shelf will cost me $165.60. Hence, I will save $47.60 if I subsribe to it plus the freebies. Meaning I only $4.90 for each issue for a contractual period of 2 years. Hence, a WIN, WIN, win, win..... situation. The freebies are no great hooha anyway. Probably the Ichiban DVD Player? Well, it is not exactly impressive since it is a Region-3 locked player (non-multi code), thus it can only play DVDs bought in Asia.

I have yet gotten myself a wireless router for my upcoming ADSL plan. More scouting is in progress.
